Dutch Miller's Beckley Automall

Mar 22, 2024
Close up view of a GMC branded tire

Your GMC tires have a finite lifespan and will eventually start to wear down. If you don’t catch the signs of deterioration in time, your driving experience will suffer. So look out for the warning signs and order new tires from the local GMC dealership.

Time for New Tires? Visit Your GMC Dealership

Tread Wear Indicator Bars Visible

Your GMC’s tires have tread wear bars placed within the grooves of the tread pattern. These bars serve as a visual cue to alert you when the tread depth has reached a critical level. Once the bars become flush with the tread, it means your tires can no longer provide adequate traction. Replace them before they compromise your safety on the road.

Increased Stopping Distance

Have you noticed that your GMC seems to need a longer distance to come to a complete stop? If your brakes are in excellent condition, this could be a sign that your tires are losing their grip on the road surface. If you check the tread, you will notice that it’s worn down significantly. You need a new set of tires to achieve better traction, especially on wet surfaces.

Cracked Rubber

After miles of driving, the rubber that makes up your tires can become brittle and prone to cracking. This occurs due to poor road conditions or exposure to extreme heat or cold. It is a sign that your tires are reaching the end of their usable life, and it’s time to replace them. Don’t drive on tires with cracked rubber because you could risk a blowout.

Bulges in the Sidewall

Bulges or bubbles in your tire’s sidewall are a definite sign of wear. They occur when you hit potholes, curbs, or large road debris. This form of damage causes structural damage to the tire’s internal components, and it is irreparable. Even if you attempt to repair the tires, the patches won’t hold up for long.

Frequent Tire Repairs

You know it’s time to replace your tires when they start getting endless punctures. This is usually a sign that the rubber is no longer able to withstand everyday driving conditions. Instead of constantly patching up the old tires, invest in new ones to save money on repairs.

Why You Should Order Your Tires at the Dealership

When it comes to buying new car tires, our local dealership is your best bet. We stock high-quality tires from leading manufacturers in the country. Our online tire finder makes it easy for you to find the perfect tires for your specific GMC model.

After you buy your tires, our certified technicians will install them for you. They will also inspect your suspension and perform a wheel alignment to make sure the new car tires are properly aligned. This service will prevent uneven tire wear and increase the lifespan of the tires.

Replace your old, worn-out tires to improve your GMC’s performance and safety. Contact Dutch Miller’s Beckley Automall in Beckley, WV to order high-quality tires for your vehicle.